
Have you ever wondered what may have happened during the American Revolutionary War period on todays date? These posts are events that occurred, people who were born and people who celebrated their birthday on that day during the period.

What do I term the American Revolutionary Period? For the purpose of this it’s the period from October 25, 1760 when George III becomes King of England until April 30, 1789 when George Washington is inaugurated as the first President of the United States as defined by the new United States Constitution.

Why did I choose those dates? Many feel that the period begins at the close of the French/Indian War in 1763. But events that drove the American Colonies towards their own leadership began long before that date. In fact the beginnings can be seen in the acts of some of the leaders during the 1750’s. Benjamin Franklin actually proposed a plan of unity in 1754 at the Albany Convention.

The Albany Convention occurred in June of 1754 when representatives from 7 of the Colonies met with Iroquois Chiefs in Albany, New York. The pupose was two fold with one purpose to secure the support and cooperation of the Iroquois in fighting the French. The other was to form a Colonial alliance. A plan, based on Franklin plan, was passed at the convention, but none of the colonies accepted it. Much of this plan would be used in the Articles of Confederation. Franklin’s Join, or Die segmented snake drawing was done during the 1750’s and not the 1770’s.

However, I choose the date of George’s ascension to the throne as King of Great Britain as the beginning of the period since many of the factors that caused American dissatisfaction came from decisions that George III and his advisors made.

Some may argue that the period ended with the British surrender at Yorktown or the signing of the Treaty of Paris, but The United States as we know it today was not fully developed until Washington’s inauguration. That is the reason I picked that date to end the period.

Most of the information on the dates will deal directly with the conflict between England and their colonies in America. But other world events will be covered as well. At times I will be publishing short essays on events, happenings and people of the period.

I hope you enjoy. I have done my best to verify the information, but I am not a historian. And please if you know of something else that may have happened on a day or if I am wrong with my information let me know. I appreciate the comments.

Published on August 11, 2006 at 11:59 pm  Leave a Comment  

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