February 3

Spain recognizes the United States as an independent country and not a part of Great Britain.

1787 The rebellion led by Daniel Shays (Shays Rebellion) is ended by the Massachusetts Militia. The Militia had been raised as a private army. The rebels were mostly small farmers angered by debt and taxes. This rebellion helped the cause to change the Articles of Confederation, which lack the authority to respond to the ‘Rebellion’.

For a Spiral Bound book with information on events that happened on each day of the year during the American Revolutionary Period click: American Revolutionary Period: 1760-1789

Published in: on February 3, 2010 at 12:06 am  Comments (1)  

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One CommentLeave a comment

  1. And in my view pitched the country into a form of republic more anti democratic than it might otherwise have been with a decided slant toward the rich land-owning oligarchs of the time.

    I have explored this thought at my blog for today 3 April 2010 at


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